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Do I Need a Tummy Tuck or Exercise

Question: I am 40 years old and have 3 children. I had stomach surgery about 10 years ago. Cut right down the middle of my stomach. I have two sags on each of the cut. How can I get rid of this? I have been told that I will never get rid of the sags. Should I have a tummy tuck? Or is there an exercise that will eliminate the sags and I can have my flat firm stomach again? I am desperate. Please help, Mary

Answer: Mary, If the scars from your surgery are causing the sags, reduction of body fat may reduce their size, but may not eliminate them entirely. Your surgeon would be able to tell you for sure about your individual case. My recommendation to you is bascially the same as I give to those who haven't had surgery: reduce the fat under your skin and above your muscles through cardiovascular conditioning, strength training and healthy eating. Check with your doctor about what exercises are safe for you to perform.

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